
GStreamer has a debugging feature that automatically generates pipeline graphs.

Displaying debug messages with $GST_DEBUG

If GStreamer has been configured with --enable-gst-debug=yes, this variable can be set to a list of debug options, which cause GStreamer to print out different types of debugging information to stderr. The variable takes a comma-separated list of "category_name:level" pairs to set specific levels for the individual categories. The level value ranges from 0 (nothing) to 9 (MEMDUMP). For more details, refer to

  • 1 (ERROR): Logs all fatal errors.
  • 2 (WARNING): Logs all warnings.
  • 3 (FIXME): Logs all fixme messages.
  • 4 (INFO): Logs all informational messages.
  • 5 (DEBUG): Logs all debug messages.
  • 6 (LOG): Logs all log messages.
  • 7 (TRACE): Logs all trace messages.
  • 9 (MEMDUMP): Log all memory dump messages.

How to use debug options

The category_name can contain "" as a wildcard. For example, setting GST_DEBUG to GST_AUTOPLUG:6,GST_ELEMENT_:4, will cause the GST_AUTOPLUG category to be logged at full LOG level, while all categories starting with GST_ELEMENT_ will be logged at INFO level. To get all possible debug output, set GST_DEBUG to *:9. For debugging purposes a *:6 debug log is usually the most useful, as it contains all important information, but hides a lot of noise such as refs/unrefs. For bug reporting purposes, a *:6 log is also what will be requested usually. It's often also worth running with :3 to see if there are any non-fatal errors or warnings that might be related to the problem at hand. Since GStreamer 1.2 it is also possible to specify debug levels by name, e.g. GST_DEBUG=:WARNING,audio:LOG

$ export GST_DEBUG=[Level]

Use gst-launch-1.0 --gst-debug-help to obtain the list of all registered categories.

$ gst-launch-1.0 --gst-debug-help

Case study 1: Tracing GStreamer plugins with GST_DEBUG

Traces for buffer flow, events and messages in TRACE level.

GST_TRACERS=log gst-launch-1.0 fakesrc num-buffers=10 ! fakesink -

Print some pipeline stats on exit.

$ GST_DEBUG="GST_TRACER:7" GST_TRACERS="stats;rusage" \
GST_DEBUG_FILE=trace.log gst-launch-1.0 fakesrc num-buffers=10 \
sizetype=fixed ! queue ! fakesink && gst-stats-1.0 trace.log

Get ts, average-cpuload, current-cpuload, time, and plot.

$ GST_DEBUG="GST_TRACER:7" GST_TRACERS="stats;rusage" \
GST_DEBUG_FILE=trace.log /usr/bin/gst-play-1.0 ./your_movie.mp4 && \
./scripts/ --format=png | gnuplot eog trace.log.*.png

Print processing latencies.

$ GST_DEBUG="GST_TRACER:7" GST_TRACERS=latency gst-launch-1.0 \
audiotestsrc num-buffers=10 ! audioconvert ! volume volume=0.7 ! autoaudiosink

Raise a warning if a leak is detected.

$ GST_TRACERS="leaks" gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc num-buffers=10 ! fakesink

Check if any GstEvent or GstMessage is leaked and raise a warning.

$ GST_DEBUG="GST_TRACER:7" GST_TRACERS="leaks(GstEvent,GstMessage)" \
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc num-buffers=10 ! fakesink

Case study 2: Tracing individual NNStreamer elements with GST_DEBUG and silent property

Each NNStreamer element has the silent property. An NNStreamer element can be traced in verbose mode by setting FALSE to the silent property.

$ GST_DEBUG="tensor_converter:7" \
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! tensor_converter silent=FALSE ! tensor_sink

In each element's source code, there is DEFAULT_SILENT macro that allows you to change the default silent value. Setting FALSE to DEFAULT_SILENT and rebuilding the library will set verbose mode of the element by default without changing your application code.

Generating pipeline graph with $GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR

Regardless of whether you are using gst-launch-1.0 or a GStreamer application, you have to need to define the GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR environment variable. GStreamer uses this environment variable as the output location to generate pipeline graphs.

To obtain .dot files, simply set the GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR environment variable to point to the folder where you want the files to be placed.



You must install the below packages to visualize the pipeline operations.

$ sudo apt -y install graphviz libgstreamer1.0-dev
$ sudo apt -y install xdot gsteamer1.0-tools

GStreamer application macros for custom GSteamer application

If you're using a custom GStreamer application, you'll need to use GStreamer debug macros to trigger pipeline generation. For instance, to see a complete pipeline graph, add the following macro invocation at the point in your application where your pipeline elements have been created and linked:


If you are using a custom GStreamer app, pipeline files will only be triggered based on your invocation of the GST_DEBUG_BIN_TO_DOT_FILE() macros.

How to run

$ export GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR=./tracing/
$ mkdir tracing
$ GST_DEBUG="GST_TRACER:7" GST_TRACERS="framerate" gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! videorate max-rate=15 ! fakesink sync=true
$ ls -al ./tracing/

How to convert a pipeline dot file to pdf

XDot is an interactive viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot language. You can view the pipeline graph graphically with XDot.

$ sudo apt install xdot
$ xdot

If you want to get a PDF format file from .dot file, you need to convert the to a graphical format with dot command. The below example shows how to render pipeline.

* Case 1: Convert .dot to .pdf
$ dot -Tpdf > pipeline_PAUSED_READY.pdf
$ evince pipeline_PaUSED_READY.pdf
* Case 2: Convert .dot to .png
$ dot -Tpng > pipeline_PAUSED_READY.png
$ eog pipeline_PaUSED_READY.png

Case study: Test case in NNStreamer

First of all, try to build NNStreamer source code with cmake in nnstreamer/build folder.

nnstreamer/test$ ./ 1
nnstreamer/test$ cd performance/debug/tensor_converter
$ eog ${number_of_test_case}.png

And then, you can see elements and caps graph in a pipeline.

Debugging remotely with gst-debugger

gst-debugger (a.k.a GStreamer Debugger) toolset allows to introspect gst-pipeline remotely. It provides graphical client, and GStreamer's plugin. This guide is written on Ubuntu 16.04 X86_64 distribution.

Build the source code

$ git clone
$ cd gst-debugger
$ git checkout 0.90.0
$ ./
$ vi ./src/gst-debugger/controller/controller.cpp
---------------- patch: start --------------------
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include "common/common.h"

 #include <gtkmm.h>
+#include <iostream>

 Controller::Controller(IMainView *view)
  : view(view)
---------------- patch: end ----------------------
$ make -j`nproc`
$ sudo make install
$ ls -al /usr/local/lib/libgst-debugger-common*.so.*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      37 Nov 19 14:59 /usr/local/lib/ ->
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  250808 Nov 19 14:59 /usr/local/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      39 Nov 19 14:59 /usr/local/lib/ ->
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1848904 Nov 19 14:59 /usr/local/lib/

Run gst-debugger

The toolset consists of the rich client, and debugserver (Default port: 8080). debugserver is implemented as a tracer plugin, and has to be loaded with your pipeline as following:

Case1: Run videotestsrc plugin with gst-launch command.
$ GST_TRACERS="debugserver(port=8080)" gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! autovideosink

Case2: Run a Totem movie player that is developed by GStreamer.
$ wget
$ GST_TRACERS="debugserver(port=8080)" totem  ./toystory.mp4

Now you can use a debugging client to connect to the debugger and inspect your pipeline as following:

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/
$ gst-debugger-1.0

Starting from now, enjoy a debugging with gst-debugger.

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