LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - nnstreamer-2.4.2/ext/nnstreamer/tensor_decoder/box_properties - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: nnstreamer 2.4.2-0 nnstreamer/nnstreamer#eca68b8d050408568af95d831a8eef62aaee7784 Lines: 87.0 % 146 127
Test Date: 2025-03-13 05:38:21 Functions: 100.0 % 10 10

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only */
       2              : /**
       3              :  * GStreamer / NNStreamer tensor-decoder bounding box properties
       4              :  * Copyright (C) 2024 Yelin Jeong <>
       5              :  */
       6              : /**
       7              :  * @file
       8              :  * @date        13 May 2024
       9              :  * @brief       NNStreamer tensor-decoder bounding box properties
      10              :  *
      11              :  * @see
      12              :  * @author      Yelin Jeong <>
      13              :  * @bug         No known bugs except for NYI items
      14              :  *
      15              :  */
      16              : 
      17              : #include "../tensordec-boundingbox.h"
      18              : 
      19              : #define INFO_SIZE (18)
      20              : #define MAX_TENSORS (2U)
      21              : #define MAX_DETECTION (2016)
      22              : 
      23              : #define NUM_LAYERS_DEFAULT (4)
      24              : #define MIN_SCALE_DEFAULT (1.0)
      25              : #define MAX_SCALE_DEFAULT (1.0)
      26              : #define OFFSET_X_DEFAULT (0.5)
      27              : #define OFFSET_Y_DEFAULT (0.5)
      28              : #define STRIDE_0_DEFAULT (8)
      29              : #define STRIDE_1_DEFAULT (16)
      30              : #define STRIDE_2_DEFAULT (16)
      31              : #define STRIDE_3_DEFAULT (16)
      32              : #define MIN_SCORE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT (0.5)
      33              : 
      34              : #define PARAMS_STRIDE_SIZE (8)
      35              : #define PARAMS_MAX (13)
      36              : 
      37              : /**
      38              :  * @brief Class for MpPalmDetection box properties
      39              :  */
      40              : class MpPalmDetection : public BoxProperties
      41              : {
      42              :   public:
      43              :   MpPalmDetection ();
      44              :   ~MpPalmDetection ();
      45              :   void mp_palm_detection_generate_anchors ();
      46              :   int setOptionInternal (const char *param);
      47              :   int checkCompatible (const GstTensorsConfig *config);
      48              : 
      49              :   GArray *decode (const GstTensorsConfig *config, const GstTensorMemory *input);
      50              : 
      51              :   private:
      52              :   gint num_layers;
      53              :   /** Number of stride layers */
      54              :   gfloat min_scale; /** Minimum scale */
      55              :   gfloat max_scale; /** Maximum scale */
      56              :   gfloat offset_x; /** anchor X offset */
      57              :   gfloat offset_y; /** anchor Y offset */
      58              :   gint strides[PARAMS_MAX]; /** Stride data for each layers */
      59              :   gfloat min_score_threshold; /** minimum threshold of score */
      60              : 
      61              :   GArray *anchors;
      62              : };
      63              : 
      64              : /**
      65              :  * @brief C++-Template-like box location calculation for Tensorflow model
      66              :  * @param[in] type The tensor type of inputptr
      67              :  * @param[in] typename nnstreamer enum corresponding to the type
      68              :  * @param[in] scoreinput Input Tensor Data (Detection scores)
      69              :  * @param[in] boxesinput Input Tensor Data (Boxes)
      70              :  * @param[in] config Tensor configs of the input tensors
      71              :  * @param[out] results The object returned. (GArray with detectedObject)
      72              :  */
      73              : #define _get_objects_mp_palm_detection(_type, typename, scoreinput, boxesinput, config) \
      74              :   case typename:                                                                        \
      75              :     {                                                                                   \
      76              :       int d_;                                                                           \
      77              :       _type *scores_ = (_type *) scoreinput;                                            \
      78              :       _type *boxes_ = (_type *) boxesinput;                                             \
      79              :       int num_ = max_detection;                                                         \
      80              :       info = gst_tensors_info_get_nth_info ((GstTensorsInfo *) &config->info, 0);       \
      81              :       size_t boxbpi_ = info->dimension[0];                                              \
      82              :       results = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (detectedObject), num_);         \
      83              :       for (d_ = 0; d_ < num_; d_++) {                                                   \
      84              :         gfloat y_center, x_center, h, w;                                                \
      85              :         gfloat ymin, xmin;                                                              \
      86              :         int y, x, width, height;                                                        \
      87              :         detectedObject object;                                                          \
      88              :         gfloat score = (gfloat) scores_[d_];                                            \
      89              :         _type *box = boxes_ + boxbpi_ * d_;                                             \
      90              :         anchor *a = &g_array_index (this->anchors, anchor, d_);                         \
      91              :         score = MAX (score, -100.0f);                                                   \
      92              :         score = MIN (score, 100.0f);                                                    \
      93              :         score = 1.0f / (1.0f + exp (-score));                                           \
      94              :         if (score < min_score_threshold)                                                \
      95              :           continue;                                                                     \
      96              :         y_center = (box[0] * 1.f) / i_height * a->h + a->y_center;                      \
      97              :         x_center = (box[1] * 1.f) / i_width * a->w + a->x_center;                       \
      98              :         h = (box[2] * 1.f) / i_height * a->h;                                           \
      99              :         w = (box[3] * 1.f) / i_width * a->w;                                            \
     100              :         ymin = y_center - h / 2.f;                                                      \
     101              :         xmin = x_center - w / 2.f;                                                      \
     102              :         y = ymin * i_height;                                                            \
     103              :         x = xmin * i_width;                                                             \
     104              :         width = w * i_width;                                                            \
     105              :         height = h * i_height;                                                          \
     106              :         object.class_id = 0;                                                            \
     107              :         object.x = MAX (0, x);                                                          \
     108              :         object.y = MAX (0, y);                                                          \
     109              :         object.width = width;                                                           \
     110              :         object.height = height;                                                         \
     111              :         object.prob = score;                                                            \
     112              :         object.valid = TRUE;                                                            \
     113              :         g_array_append_val (results, object);                                           \
     114              :       }                                                                                 \
     115              :     }                                                                                   \
     116              :     break
     117              : 
     118              : /** @brief Macro to simplify calling _get_objects_mp_palm_detection */
     119              : #define _get_objects_mp_palm_detection_(type, typename) \
     120              :   _get_objects_mp_palm_detection (type, typename, (detections->data), (boxes->data), config)
     121              : 
     122              : #define mp_palm_detection_option(option, type, idx) \
     123              :   if (noptions > idx)                               \
     124              :   option = (type) g_strtod (options[idx], NULL)
     125              : 
     126              : /**
     127              :  * @brief Calculate anchor scale
     128              :  */
     129              : static gfloat
     130           16 : _calculate_scale (float min_scale, float max_scale, int stride_index, int num_strides)
     131              : {
     132           16 :   if (num_strides == 1) {
     133            0 :     return (min_scale + max_scale) * 0.5f;
     134              :   } else {
     135           16 :     return min_scale + (max_scale - min_scale) * 1.0 * stride_index / (num_strides - 1.0f);
     136              :   }
     137              : }
     138              : 
     139              : static BoxProperties *mp_palm_detection = nullptr;
     140              : 
     141              : #ifdef __cplusplus
     142              : extern "C" {
     143              : #endif /* __cplusplus */
     144              : void init_properties_mp_palm_detection (void) __attribute__ ((constructor));
     145              : void fini_properties_mp_palm_detection (void) __attribute__ ((destructor));
     146              : #ifdef __cplusplus
     147              : }
     148              : #endif /* __cplusplus */
     149              : 
     150              : /**
     151              :  * @brief Generate anchor information
     152              :  */
     153              : void
     154            2 : MpPalmDetection::mp_palm_detection_generate_anchors ()
     155              : {
     156            2 :   int layer_id = 0;
     157              :   guint i;
     158              : 
     159            6 :   while (layer_id < num_layers) {
     160            4 :     GArray *aspect_ratios = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (gfloat));
     161            4 :     GArray *scales = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (gfloat));
     162            4 :     GArray *anchor_height = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (gfloat));
     163            4 :     GArray *anchor_width = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (gfloat));
     164              : 
     165            4 :     int last_same_stride_layer = layer_id;
     166              : 
     167            4 :     while (last_same_stride_layer < num_layers
     168           12 :            && strides[last_same_stride_layer] == strides[layer_id]) {
     169              :       gfloat scale;
     170            8 :       gfloat ratio = 1.0f;
     171            8 :       g_array_append_val (aspect_ratios, ratio);
     172            8 :       g_array_append_val (aspect_ratios, ratio);
     173            8 :       scale = _calculate_scale (min_scale, max_scale, last_same_stride_layer, num_layers);
     174            8 :       g_array_append_val (scales, scale);
     175            8 :       scale = _calculate_scale (min_scale, max_scale, last_same_stride_layer + 1, num_layers);
     176            8 :       g_array_append_val (scales, scale);
     177            8 :       last_same_stride_layer++;
     178              :     }
     179              : 
     180           20 :     for (i = 0; i < aspect_ratios->len; ++i) {
     181           16 :       const float ratio_sqrts = sqrt (g_array_index (aspect_ratios, gfloat, i));
     182           16 :       const gfloat sc = g_array_index (scales, gfloat, i);
     183           16 :       gfloat anchor_height_ = sc / ratio_sqrts;
     184           16 :       gfloat anchor_width_ = sc * ratio_sqrts;
     185           16 :       g_array_append_val (anchor_height, anchor_height_);
     186           16 :       g_array_append_val (anchor_width, anchor_width_);
     187              :     }
     188              : 
     189              :     {
     190            4 :       int feature_map_height = 0;
     191            4 :       int feature_map_width = 0;
     192              :       int x, y;
     193              :       int anchor_id;
     194              : 
     195            4 :       const int stride = strides[layer_id];
     196            4 :       feature_map_height = ceil (1.0f * 192 / stride);
     197            4 :       feature_map_width = ceil (1.0f * 192 / stride);
     198           76 :       for (y = 0; y < feature_map_height; ++y) {
     199         1512 :         for (x = 0; x < feature_map_width; ++x) {
     200         5472 :           for (anchor_id = 0; anchor_id < (int) aspect_ratios->len; ++anchor_id) {
     201         4032 :             const float x_center = (x + offset_x) * 1.0f / feature_map_width;
     202         4032 :             const float y_center = (y + offset_y) * 1.0f / feature_map_height;
     203              : 
     204              :             const anchor a = { .x_center = x_center,
     205              :               .y_center = y_center,
     206         4032 :               .w = g_array_index (anchor_width, gfloat, anchor_id),
     207         4032 :               .h = g_array_index (anchor_height, gfloat, anchor_id) };
     208         4032 :             g_array_append_val (anchors, a);
     209              :           }
     210              :         }
     211              :       }
     212            4 :       layer_id = last_same_stride_layer;
     213              :     }
     214              : 
     215            4 :     g_array_free (anchor_height, TRUE);
     216            4 :     g_array_free (anchor_width, TRUE);
     217            4 :     g_array_free (aspect_ratios, TRUE);
     218            4 :     g_array_free (scales, TRUE);
     219              :   }
     220            2 : }
     221              : 
     222              : /** @brief Constructor of MpPalmDetection */
     223           15 : MpPalmDetection::MpPalmDetection ()
     224              : {
     225           15 :   max_detection = 0;
     226           15 :   num_layers = NUM_LAYERS_DEFAULT;
     227           15 :   min_scale = MIN_SCALE_DEFAULT;
     228           15 :   max_scale = MAX_SCALE_DEFAULT;
     229           15 :   offset_x = OFFSET_X_DEFAULT;
     230           15 :   offset_y = OFFSET_Y_DEFAULT;
     231           15 :   strides[0] = STRIDE_0_DEFAULT;
     232           15 :   strides[1] = STRIDE_1_DEFAULT;
     233           15 :   strides[2] = STRIDE_2_DEFAULT;
     234           15 :   strides[3] = STRIDE_3_DEFAULT;
     235           15 :   min_score_threshold = MIN_SCORE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT;
     236           15 :   anchors = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (anchor));
     237           15 :   name = g_strdup_printf ("mp-palm-detection");
     238           15 : }
     239              : 
     240              : /** @brief Destructor of MpPalmDetection */
     241           30 : MpPalmDetection::~MpPalmDetection ()
     242              : {
     243           15 :   if (anchors)
     244           15 :     g_array_free (anchors, TRUE);
     245           15 :   anchors = NULL;
     246           15 :   g_free (name);
     247           30 : }
     248              : 
     249              : /** @brief Set internal option of MpPalmDetection
     250              :  *  @param[in] param The option string.
     251              :  */
     252              : int
     253            2 : MpPalmDetection::setOptionInternal (const char *param)
     254              : {
     255              :   /* Load palm detection info from option3 */
     256              :   gchar **options;
     257              :   int noptions, idx;
     258            2 :   int ret = TRUE;
     259              : 
     260            2 :   options = g_strsplit (param, ":", -1);
     261            2 :   noptions = g_strv_length (options);
     262              : 
     263            2 :   if (noptions > PARAMS_MAX) {
     264            0 :     GST_ERROR ("Invalid MP PALM DETECTION PARAM length: %d", noptions);
     265            0 :     ret = FALSE;
     266            0 :     goto exit_mp_palm_detection;
     267              :   }
     268              : 
     269            2 :   mp_palm_detection_option (min_score_threshold, gfloat, 0);
     270            2 :   mp_palm_detection_option (num_layers, gint, 1);
     271            2 :   mp_palm_detection_option (min_scale, gfloat, 2);
     272            2 :   mp_palm_detection_option (max_scale, gfloat, 3);
     273            2 :   mp_palm_detection_option (offset_x, gfloat, 4);
     274            2 :   mp_palm_detection_option (offset_y, gfloat, 5);
     275              : 
     276           10 :   for (idx = 6; idx < num_layers + 6; idx++) {
     277            8 :     mp_palm_detection_option (strides[idx - 6], gint, idx);
     278              :   }
     279            2 :   mp_palm_detection_generate_anchors ();
     280              : 
     281            2 : exit_mp_palm_detection:
     282            2 :   g_strfreev (options);
     283            2 :   return ret;
     284              : }
     285              : 
     286              : /** @brief Check compatibility of given tensors config */
     287              : int
     288           18 : MpPalmDetection::checkCompatible (const GstTensorsConfig *config)
     289              : {
     290              :   const uint32_t *dim1, *dim2;
     291              :   int i;
     292           18 :   GstTensorInfo *info = nullptr;
     293              : 
     294           18 :   if (!check_tensors (config, MAX_TENSORS))
     295           10 :     return FALSE;
     296              : 
     297              :   /* Check if the first tensor is compatible */
     298            8 :   info = gst_tensors_info_get_nth_info ((GstTensorsInfo *) &config->info, 0);
     299            8 :   dim1 = info->dimension;
     300              : 
     301            8 :   g_return_val_if_fail (dim1[0] == INFO_SIZE, FALSE);
     302            8 :   g_return_val_if_fail (dim1[1] > 0, FALSE);
     303            8 :   g_return_val_if_fail (dim1[2] == 1, FALSE);
     304          112 :   for (i = 3; i < NNS_TENSOR_RANK_LIMIT; i++)
     305          104 :     g_return_val_if_fail (dim1[i] == 0 || dim1[i] == 1, FALSE);
     306              : 
     307              :   /* Check if the second tensor is compatible */
     308            8 :   info = gst_tensors_info_get_nth_info ((GstTensorsInfo *) &config->info, 1);
     309            8 :   dim2 = info->dimension;
     310            8 :   g_return_val_if_fail (dim2[0] == 1, FALSE);
     311            8 :   g_return_val_if_fail (dim1[1] == dim2[1], FALSE);
     312          120 :   for (i = 2; i < NNS_TENSOR_RANK_LIMIT; i++)
     313          112 :     g_return_val_if_fail (dim2[i] == 0 || dim2[i] == 1, FALSE);
     314              : 
     315              :   /* Check consistency with max_detection */
     316            8 :   if (max_detection != 0 && max_detection != dim1[1]) {
     317            0 :     GST_ERROR ("Failed to check consistency with max_detection");
     318            0 :     return FALSE;
     319              :   } else {
     320            8 :     max_detection = dim1[1];
     321              :   }
     322              : 
     323            8 :   if (max_detection > MAX_DETECTION) {
     324            0 :     GST_ERROR ("Incoming tensor has too large detection-max : %u", max_detection);
     325            0 :     return FALSE;
     326              :   }
     327            8 :   return TRUE;
     328              : }
     329              : 
     330              : /**
     331              :  * @brief Decode input memory to out buffer
     332              :  * @param[in] config The structure of input tensor info.
     333              :  * @param[in] input The array of input tensor data. The maximum array size of input data is NNS_TENSOR_SIZE_LIMIT.
     334              :  */
     335              : GArray *
     336            4 : MpPalmDetection::decode (const GstTensorsConfig *config, const GstTensorMemory *input)
     337              : {
     338            4 :   GArray *results = NULL;
     339            4 :   const GstTensorMemory *boxes = NULL;
     340            4 :   const GstTensorMemory *detections = NULL;
     341            4 :   const guint num_tensors = config->info.num_tensors;
     342            4 :   GstTensorInfo *info = nullptr;
     343              : 
     344              :   /* Already checked with getOutCaps. Thus, this is an internal bug */
     345            4 :   g_assert (num_tensors >= MAX_TENSORS);
     346              : 
     347              :   /* results will be allocated by _get_objects_mp_palm_detection_ */
     348            4 :   boxes = &input[0];
     349            4 :   detections = &input[1];
     350            4 :   info = gst_tensors_info_get_nth_info ((GstTensorsInfo *) &config->info, 0);
     351              : 
     352            4 :   switch (info->type) {
     353            0 :     _get_objects_mp_palm_detection_ (uint8_t, _NNS_UINT8);
     354            0 :     _get_objects_mp_palm_detection_ (int8_t, _NNS_INT8);
     355            0 :     _get_objects_mp_palm_detection_ (uint16_t, _NNS_UINT16);
     356            0 :     _get_objects_mp_palm_detection_ (int16_t, _NNS_INT16);
     357            0 :     _get_objects_mp_palm_detection_ (uint32_t, _NNS_UINT32);
     358            0 :     _get_objects_mp_palm_detection_ (int32_t, _NNS_INT32);
     359            0 :     _get_objects_mp_palm_detection_ (uint64_t, _NNS_UINT64);
     360            0 :     _get_objects_mp_palm_detection_ (int64_t, _NNS_INT64);
     361         8068 :     _get_objects_mp_palm_detection_ (float, _NNS_FLOAT32);
     362            0 :     _get_objects_mp_palm_detection_ (double, _NNS_FLOAT64);
     363              : 
     364            0 :     default:
     365            0 :       g_assert (0);
     366              :   }
     367            4 :   nms (results, 0.05f, MP_PALM_DETECTION_BOUNDING_BOX);
     368            4 :   return results;
     369              : }
     370              : 
     371              : /** @brief Initialize this object for tensor decoder bounding box */
     372              : void
     373           15 : init_properties_mp_palm_detection ()
     374              : {
     375           15 :   mp_palm_detection = new MpPalmDetection ();
     376           15 :   BoundingBox::addProperties (mp_palm_detection);
     377           15 : }
     378              : 
     379              : /** @brief Destruct this object for tensor decoder bounding box */
     380              : void
     381           15 : fini_properties_mp_palm_detection ()
     382              : {
     383           15 :   delete mp_palm_detection;
     384           15 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 2.0-1