To get RPM file, please run below command first.

$ ./

you can check the rpm files at your ${GBS-ROOT}

If you want to generate the *.bin file with your image, please follow bellow pipeline.

gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=${IMAGE_PATH} ! \
jpegdec ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw,format=BGR,width=416,height=416 ! \
tensor_converter ! tensor_transform mode=transpose option=1:2:0:3 ! \
tensor_transform mode=arithmetic option=div:2 ! \
tensor_transform mode=typecast option=int8 ! \
tensor_filter framework=vivante model="/usr/share/dann/yolo-v3.nb,/usr/share/vivante/yolov3/" ! \
filesink location=${BIN_FILE_PATH}

After gbs build and install at your target, you can execute it with below command.

root@localhost:~/rpms# vivante-yolov3-pipeline \
> /usr/share/dann/yolo-v3.nb \
> /usr/share/vivante/yolov3/ \
> /usr/share/vivante/yolov3/sample_car_bicyle_dog_416x416.jpg \
> /usr/share/vivante/res/sample_car_bicyle_dog_416x416.bin 
MODEL_NB path: /usr/share/dann/yolo-v3.nb
MODEL_SO path: /usr/share/vivante/yolov3/
IMAGE path: /usr/share/vivante/yolov3/sample_car_bicyle_dog_416x416.jpg
BIN path: /usr/share/vivante/res/sample_car_bicyle_dog_416x416.bin
[203] pipeline: filesrc location="/usr/share/vivante/yolov3/sample_car_bicyle_dog_416x416.jpg" ! jpegdec ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw,format=BGR,width=416,height=**416** ! tensor_converter ! tensor_transform mode=transpose option=1:2:0:3 ! tensor_transform mode=arithmetic option=div:2 ! tensor_transform mode=typecast option=int8 ! tensor_filter framework=vivante model="/usr/share/dann/yolo-v3.nb,/usr/share/vivante/yolov3/" ! tensor_sink name=sinkx
D [setup_node:368]Setup node id[0] uid[0] op[NBG]
D [print_tensor:136]in(0) : id[   0] vtl[0] const[0] shape[ 416, 416, 3, 1   ] fmt[i8 ] qnt[DFP fl=  7]
D [print_tensor:136]out(0): id[   1] vtl[0] const[0] shape[ 13, 13, 255, 1   ] fmt[i8 ] qnt[DFP fl=  2]
D [print_tensor:136]out(1): id[   2] vtl[0] const[0] shape[ 26, 26, 255, 1   ] fmt[i8 ] qnt[DFP fl=  2]
D [print_tensor:136]out(2): id[   3] vtl[0] const[0] shape[ 52, 52, 255, 1   ] fmt[i8 ] qnt[DFP fl=  2]
D [optimize_node:312]Backward optimize neural network
D [optimize_node:319]Forward optimize neural network
I [compute_node:261]Create vx node
Create Neural Network: 39ms or 0us
I [vsi_nn_PrintGraph:1421]Graph:
I [vsi_nn_PrintGraph:1422]***************** Tensors ******************
D [print_tensor:146]id[   0] vtl[0] const[0] shape[ 416, 416, 3, 1   ] fmt[i8 ] qnt[DFP fl=  7]
D [print_tensor:146]id[   1] vtl[0] const[0] shape[ 13, 13, 255, 1   ] fmt[i8 ] qnt[DFP fl=  2]
D [print_tensor:146]id[   2] vtl[0] const[0] shape[ 26, 26, 255, 1   ] fmt[i8 ] qnt[DFP fl=  2]
D [print_tensor:146]id[   3] vtl[0] const[0] shape[ 52, 52, 255, 1   ] fmt[i8 ] qnt[DFP fl=  2]
I [vsi_nn_PrintGraph:1431]***************** Nodes ******************
I [vsi_nn_PrintNode:159](             NBG)node[0] [in: 0 ], [out: 1, 2, 3 ] [01d18be8]
I [vsi_nn_PrintGraph:1440]******************************************
g_usleep [2000000]: wait for the model result
out_size1 43095
out_size2 172380
out_size3 689520
Result comparision for 13x13x255 layer has been done successfully.
Result comparision for 26x26x255 layer has been done successfully.
Result comparision for 52x52x255 layer has been done successfully.

The results of the search are