Text classification with Tizen IoT platform

This sample application provides a guide for how to use the nnstreamer on Tizen IoT platform. Text classifications are classified into predefined groups based on sentences. Pre-trained models predict whether a paragraph is positive or negative. The model is downloaded here : https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/models/text_classification/overview

Graphical description of pipeline



To get RPM file, please run below command first.

$ ./gen_tizen_iot_text_classification_rpm.sh

you can check the rpm files at your ${GBS-ROOT}

After gbs build and install at your target, you can execute it with below command.

$ nnstreamer_tizen_iot_text_classification ${TCP_SERVER_OR_CLIENT} ${IP_ADDRESS} ${PORT_NUMBER}
# e.g. $ nnstreamer_tizen_iot_text_classification server 5001

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