
How to Configure the Tizen-to-Android Offloading Scenario

Client Application (Tizen)


Installing Tizen Studio 5.6

To build Tizen Applications, you need to install Tizen Studio. In this document, we are going to use Tizen Studio 5.6 with CLI. You can download Tizen Studio from here.

Alternatively, you can install Tizen Studio by using the following command:

$ wget https://download.tizen.org/sdk/Installer/tizen-studio_5.6/web-cli_Tizen_Studio_5.6_ubuntu-64.bin

Next, change the working directory to the directory where you downloaded the installer, and run the installer:

$ ls web-cli_Tizen_Studio_5.6_ubuntu-64.bin
$ chmod +x web-cli_Tizen_Studio_5.6_ubuntu-64.bin

$ ./web-cli_Tizen_Studio_5.6_ubuntu-64.bin --accept-license


Installer will install to =>  ~/tizen-studio

Preparing installation...


[100%] =>
Installation has been completed!
Thank you for using Installer

Note that the above command installs Tizen Studio and its data to ~/tizen-studio and ~/tizen-studio-data, respectively, by default.

Downloading Required Packages

Next step is to download the required packages using Tizen Studio’s Package Manager. Those packages are required to build the Tizen application and run the application on a Tizen emulator or a real target device.

$ cd ~/tizen-studio/package-manager
$ ls package-manager-cli.bin

$ ./package-manager-cli.bin install TIZEN-8
Package Manager (0.5.54)

******* Start to update packages *******
Nothing to update.

****** Start to install packages *******
Under packages will be installed.
         * Emulator
         * TIZEN-8.0-Emulator
         * NativeToolchain-Gcc-9.2
         * NativeCLI
         * TIZEN-8.0-NativeAppDevelopment-CLI
         * Certificate-Manager
         * WebIDE
         * TIZEN-8.0-WebAppDevelopment
         * TIZEN-8.0-WebFramework-TAU-CLI
         * TIZEN-8.0-WebFramework-TAU
         * NativeIDE
         * TIZEN-8.0-NativeAppDevelopment


Installation has been completed.

Launching a Tizen 8.0 Virtual Machine

To launch a Tizen 8.0 Virtual Machine, you need to use Emulator Manager included in Tizen Studio.

$ cd ~/tizen-studio/tools/emulator/bin
$ ls em-cli

em-cli is the command line tool to manage Tizen platform images and virtual machines.

$ ./em-cli -h
Usage: em-cli [global options] <COMMAND> [command options]

Global options
  -h, --help                 Print this help and exit
  -h, --help <COMMAND>       Print help of specified COMMAND and exit
  -v, --verbose              Run verbosely
  -V, --version              Print version of emulator manager and exit

  create            Create a new virtual machine
  delete            Delete a virtual machine
  launch            Launch a virtual machine
  list-vm           Display the list of all virtual machines
  list-platform     Display the list of available platforms
  list-template     Display the list of available device templates
  detail            Print the detailed information of a virtual machine
  modify            Modify configurations of a virtual machine
  reset             Reset a virtual machine's disk image
  create-image      Create a new platform image

At the current state, Tizen-8.0 on x86 and Tizen-8.0 on x64 are already installed, which means that there is no need to download the additional materials. list-vm and list-platform are helpful commands to list all available virtual machines and platforms, respectively.

$ ./em-cli list-vm

$ ./em-cli list-platform

Next, launch a Tizen 8.0 Virtual Machine:

$ ./em-cli launch T-8.0-x86_64

You will see the following screen to select several options: language, region, EULA, and Wi-Fi network.

Tizen Emulator: T-8.0-x86_64

Then, your Tizen 8.0 emulator is ready to use, as shown below.

Tizen Emulator(Ready): T-8.0-x86_64

Launching a Tizen 8.0 Device

To launch a Tizen 8.0 device, you need to flash an image to Raspberry Pi(RPI) according to this guide. Please select Tizen-8.0 Headed in the Download binaries step. Fusing-script for Flash through the command line step has expired, so use this script instead. You must complete the Install drivers step to use Wi-Fi.

If the image is flashed successfully, you can see rpi4 in the list of devices attached.

$ cd ~/tizen-studio/tools/emulator/bin
$ ls sdb
$ ./sdb devices
List of devices attached
10000000afbaa640    	device    	rpi4

When you connect the RPI and a monitor using a micro HDMI cable, you can select language, region, EULA, and Wi-Fi network same as emulator. Wi-Fi can be connected later in settings, as shown below.

Tizen Device: tizen-headed-armv7l

Building the Tizen Web App

Cloning the GitHub Repository

The Tizen Web App can be found on the GitHub repository here. To build it, you need to clone the repository first.

$ git clone https://github.com/nnstreamer/nnstreamer-example
Cloning into 'nnstreamer-example'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 3249, done.


$ ls
$ cd nnstreamer-example/Tizen.web/ImageClassificationOffloading
$ ls
config.xml  css  icon.png  image_classification_offloading.png  images  index.html  js  README.md  res

Building and Packaging the Web App using Tizen CLI

The Tizen CLI is a command-line tool for building, packaging, and installing the Tizen application and running it on a Tizen emulator or a real target device. It is included in Tizen Studio and you can find the binary file tizen in the directory ~/tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin.

$ pushd ~/tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin
$ ls tizen
$ ./tizen version
Tizen CLI 2.5.25
$ popd

To build the Web App, you need to specify the command, build-web.

$ export PATH=$HOME/tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin:$PATH
$ pwd

$ tizen build-web -- .
Build Web Application:  100% (10/10)


Output path : nnstreamer-example/Tizen.web/ImageClassificationOffloading/.buildResult

The Web App is built and the output is located in the directory .buildResult.

Next, package the Web App using the command, package, with the -t wgt option.

$ pwd

$ tizen package -t wgt -- .buildResult
WARNING: Default profile is used for sign. This signed package is valid for emulator test only.


Package File Location: nnstreamer-example/Tizen.web/ImageClassificationOffloading/.buildResult/ImageClassificationOffloading.wgt

Tizen supports hybrid application, which combines a web application and 1 or more native servics. We need a hybrid app to get the port value automatically from the offloading service.

$ cd nnstreamer-example/Tizen.web/ImageClassificationOffloadingService
$ tizen build-native -a arm -c llvm -C Debug -- .
[PLATFORM] Tizen-8.0
Total time: 00:00:00.314

$ tizen package -t tpk -- Debug
Initialize... OK
Package File Location: nnstreamer-example/Tizen.web/ImageClassificationOffloadingService/Debug/EQmf4iSfpX-1.0.0-arm.tpk

$ cd nnstreamer-example/Tizen.web/ImageClassificationOffloading
$ tizen package -t wgt -r ../ImageClassificationOffloadingService/Debug/EQmf4iSfpX-1.0.0-arm.tpk  -- .buildResult/ImageClassificationOffloading.wgt
The active profile is used for signing. If you want to sign with other profile, please use '--sign' option.
Package( nnstreamer-example/Tizen.web/ImageClassificationOffloading/.buildResult/ImageClassificationOffloading.wgt ) is created successfully.

Tizen Web App build process is done automatically through github actions. So if you don’t need to build it yourself, you can download tizen_web_ImageClassificationOffloading created from main branch.

Github action artifacts

Running the Tizen Web App on the Tizen Emulator

As mentioned above, the Tizen CLI supports installing and running the Tizen Web App on the Tizen emulator or the real target device. The remaining will only address the installation and running on the Tizen emulator. To list Tizen emulator instances currently running on your host machine, use the command, sdb in ~/tizen-studio/tools.

$ export PATH=$HOME/tizen-studio/tools:$PATH
$ sdb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-26101          device          T-8.0-x86_64

In the above example, you can see the Tizen emulator instance, emulator-26101. We are going to install the wgt package into this instance.

$ pwd

$ tizen install -n ./.buildResult/ImageClassificationOffloading.wgt -s emulator-26101
Installed the package: Id(EQmf4iSfpX)
spend time for pkgcmd is [192]ms

Tizen application is successfully installed.
Total time: 00:00:00.496

Note that EQmf4iSfpX is the package ID of the installed package. The command, run of the Tizen CLI requires the package ID as an argument.

$ tizen run -p EQmf4iSfpX -s emulator-26101
... successfully launched pid = 3125 with debug 0

Tizen application is successfully launched.

If you can see the user interface in the following screenshot, the web app has been successfully launched on the Tizen emulator.

Tizen Emulator(Run): T-8.0-x86_64

Running the Tizen Web App on the Tizen Device

Installing and running the Tizen application on the Tizen device is exactly the same as with an emulator.

$ tizen install -n ./.buildResult/ImageClassificationOffloading.wgt -t rpi4
path is /opt/usr/home/owner/share/tmp/sdk_tools/tmp/ImageClassificationOffloading.wgt
Installed the package: Id(EQmf4iSfpX)
spend time for pkgcmd is [3012]ms

Tizen application is successfully installed.
Total time: 00:00:04.302

$ tizen run -p EQmf4iSfpX -t rpi4
... successfully launched pid = 1625 with debug 0

Tizen application is successfully launched.

Server Application (Android)


Installing Gradle 8.6

Installation of Gradle is described in the Gradle documentation. The following is a brief description of the installation procedure from the Gradle documentation.

Installing Android SDK and NDK

The official installation guide of Android Studio is available on the Install Android Studio page. It is common to use Android Studio’s SDK Manager with a GUI to install and update the packages required for developing Android applications. However, in this document, we will use the command-line tool, sdkmanager, in order to describe the minimal required packages and their specific versions explicitly.

To download Android Command Line Tools, visit here and find the link in the Command line tools only section. Alternatively, you can use the following command to download it.

$ wget https://dl.google.com/android/repository/commandlinetools-linux-11076708_latest.zip
$ ls commandlinetools-linux-11076708_latest.zip
$ unzip commandlinetools-linux-11076708_latest.zip
$ cd cmdline-tools/bin
$ ls
apkanalyzer  avdmanager  lint  profgen  resourceshrinker  retrace  screenshot2  sdkmanager

The native parts of GStreamer and NNStreamer requires a specific version, 25.2.9519653, of the Android NDK.

$ ls # make sure that you are in the cmdline-tools/bin directory
apkanalyzer  avdmanager  lint  profgen  resourceshrinker  retrace  screenshot2  sdkmanager

$ ./sdkmanager --sdk_root=${HOME}/Android/Sdk --install "ndk;25.2.9519653"

If the Android directory (including its child directory, Sdk) is not present, it will be created, and the NDK will be installed as well.

$ ls ${HOME}/Android/Sdk
licenses  ndk

Next, you need to install the Android SDK packages required for developing Android applications.

$ ls # make sure that you are in the cmdline-tools/bin directory
apkanalyzer  avdmanager  lint  profgen  resourceshrinker  retrace  screenshot2  sdkmanager

$ ./sdkmanager --sdk_root=${HOME}/Android/Sdk --install "platforms;android-34" "build-tools;34.0.0" "platform-tools"

Building the Android App

Cloning the GitHub Repository

The Android app’s GitHub repository can be found here. To build it, you need to clone the repository first. If you clone with recursive option, you can receive the submodule together.

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/nnstreamer/nnstreamer-android

$ ls nnstreamer-android/
build.gradle.kts  externals  gradle  gradle.properties  gradlew  gradlew.bat  LICENSE  ml_inference_offloading  nnstreamer-api  README.md  settings.gradle.kts
$ cd nnstreamer-android

To build the application with ml-service feature, you need to set the feature feature.mlService=true in the gradle.properties.

Building the Android App using Gradle

In the nnstreamer-android directory, Gradle Wrapper files have already been generated. You can check out the tasks this Wrapper provides by running the following command.

$ ./gradlew tasks
Tasks runnable from root project 'nnstreamer-android'

Android tasks
androidDependencies - Displays the Android dependencies of the project.
signingReport - Displays the signing info for the base and test modules
sourceSets - Prints out all the source sets defined in this project.

Build tasks
assemble - Assembles the outputs of this project.
assembleAndroidTest - Assembles all the Test applications.
assembleUnitTest - Assembles all the unit test applications.
build - Assembles and tests this project.


test - Run unit tests for all variants.
testDebugUnitTest - Run unit tests for the debug build.
testReleaseUnitTest - Run unit tests for the release build.
updateLintBaseline - Updates the lint baseline using the default variant.

To see all tasks and more detail, run gradlew tasks --all

To see more detail about a task, run gradlew help --task <task>

1 actionable task: 1 executed

Among the tasks shown above, the build task is the one that we will use to build the project.

$ ./gradlew build
209 actionable tasks: 209 executed

Alternatively, you can build each submodule as follows.

$ ls
build.gradle.kts  externals  gradle  gradle.properties  gradlew  gradlew.bat  LICENSE  ml_inference_offloading  nnstreamer-api  README.md  settings.gradle.kts

$ ./gradlew externals:build

$ ./gradlew nnstreamer-api:build

$ ./gradlew ml_inference_offloading:build
193 actionable tasks: 21 executed, 172 up-to-date

Note that the App’s directory name of the App submodule is ml_inference_offloading.

$ find ./ml_inference_offloading/ -name "*.apk"

Building the Android App with llama2

The following steps are required to run an LLM task (i.e., Llama2) via the Android app.

Preparing the llama2 model and the configuration file

We need a pair of the model and tokenizer files for an LLM task. You can download a small model for the Android device using this guide.

$ ls
model.bin tok4096.bin

$ mv model.bin nnstreamer-android/ml_inference_offloading/src/main/assets/models/llama2c.bin
$ mv tok4096.bin nnstreamer-android/ml_inference_offloading/src/main/assets/models/tokenizer.bin

We provide llama2.c as an example configuration file. To use it, copy the configuration file to the assets directory.

$ cp documentation/example_conf/llama2c.conf ml_inference_offloading/src/main/assets/models
Building the llama2.c for Android

To build the application with llama2.c, you need to indicate the directory where llama2.c is placed via the dir.llama2c property in the gradle.properties.


Running the Android App on the Target Device

Running the Android App on the Android Emulator

Preparing the Android Emulator

To run the Android App on the Android Emulator, An Android Virtual Device (AVD) must be created first. It is highly recommended to use the Virtual Device Manager included in the Android Studio (You can see the details in the Android Studio documentation). However, this document explains how to create the AVD using the avdmanager command.

First, you need to download the system image for the Android Emulator. T

$ ./sdkmanager --sdk_root=${HOME}/Android/Sdk --install "system-images;android-34;google_api;x86_64"

The above command will install the emulator package as well.

Note that avdmanager is included in the cmdline-tools/bin directory. To make avdmanager recognize the above system image installed into the ${HOME}/Android/Sdk, the following steps are required.

$ mkdir ${HOME}/Android/Sdk/cmdline-tools

$ ls # make sure that you are in the cmdline-tools/bin directory
apkanalyzer  avdmanager  lint  profgen  resourceshrinker  retrace  screenshot2  sdkmanager

$ cp -rf $(pwd)/../cmdline-tools ${HOME}/Android/Sdk/cmdline-tools/latest
$ cd ${HOME}/Android/Sdk/cmdline-tools/latest/bin
$ ls
apkanalyzer  avdmanager  lint  profgen  resourceshrinker  retrace  screenshot2  sdkmanager

Then, you can create a named AVD using the following command.

$ ./avdmanager create avd -n Android34_GAPI-x64 -k "system-images;android-34;google_apis;x86_64"
[=======================================] 100% Fetch remote repository...
Auto-selecting single ABI x86_64
Do you wish to create a custom hardware profile? [no]

$ ./avdmanager list avd
Available Android Virtual Devices:
    Name: Android34_GAPI-x64
    Path: /home/wook/.android/avd/Android34_GAPI-x64.avd
  Target: Google APIs (Google Inc.)
          Based on: Android 14.0 ("UpsideDownCake") Tag/ABI: google_apis/x86_64
  Sdcard: 512 MB

$ cd ${HOME}/Android/Sdk/emulator
$ ./emulator -avd Android34_GAPI-x64

Finally, the Android Virtual Device named Android34_GAPI-x64 is ready to use.

Android Virtual Device: A-34-x86_64

Running the App on the Android Emulator

The app is installed on the Android Emulator using the adb install PACKAGE command, where PACKAGE is the name of the .apk file, the Gradle build’s output. For example, you can find the .apk file of the ml_inference_offloading module in the nnstreamer-android/ml_inference_offloading/build/outputs/apk/[debug|release] directory.

$ cd ${HOME}/Android/Sdk/platform-tools
$ ls adb

$ ./adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5554   device

Let’s assume that nnstreamer-android above was cloned in the ${HOME}/nnstreamer-android directory

$ pwd

$ ./adb install ${HOME}/nnstreamer-android/ml_inference_offloading/build/outputs/apk/debug/ml_inference_offloading-debug.apk
Performing Streamed Install

After the installation has been completed, you can run the app on the Android Emulator using the adb shell am start command.

$ pwd

$ $ ./adb shell am start ai.nnstreamer.ml.inference.offloading/ai.nnstreamer.ml.inference.offloading.MainActivity
Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] cmp=ai.nnstreamer.ml.inference.offloading/.MainActivity }

If you can see the same user interface as the following screenshot, the Android app has been successfully launched on the AVD. Android Virtual Device (Running the App): A-34-x86_64

Running the Android App on the Android Device

Preparing the Android Device

To connect Android device to the host PC, you can follow this guide

Running the App on the Android Device

The Android device can also use adb to install and run the app.

$ cd ${HOME}/Android/Sdk/platform-tools
$ ls adb

$ ./adb devices
List of devices attached
R3CW90D8TNR	device

$ ./adb install ${HOME}/nnstreamer-android/ml_inference_offloading/build/outputs/apk/debug/ml_inference_offloading-debug.apk
Performing Streamed Install

$ ./adb shell am start ai.nnstreamer.ml.inference.offloading/ai.nnstreamer.ml.inference.offloading.MainActivity
Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] cmp=ai.nnstreamer.ml.inference.offloading/.MainActivity }

If you can see the same user interface as the following screenshot, the Android app has been successfully installed and launched on the device.

Android Device (Running the App): A-34-arm64


Run Tizen-to-Android Offloading

To run Tizen-to-Android Offloading you need to connect both devices to the same Wi-Fi network or ethernet. Press the load models button on the Android device to run the offloading service based on the conf files. Then, the port number to which the service is listening will display on the screen like the following screenshot.

Android Device (Start the server): A-34-arm64

Tizen devices automatically find offloading services using the model ID. When the image classification task runs successfully, the detected label and inference time are displayed on the screen as shown below.

Tizen Device (Start the client): T-8.0-armv7l

The devices used to capture the screenshots are Galasy S24 and Raspberry Pi4.

ML Computation Delegation scenario

Handling ML Computation Delegation Requests from the Android Components in the Same package

The MLAgent service can also handle the ML Computation requests from the other components in the same package. In order to demonstrate this scenario, we added a simple Activity example to the ml_inference_offloading package. This example uses the Android CameraX API to take a picture and send it to the MLAgent service for inference. Then, MLAgent service handles the requests using the bundled models and returns the result to the calling component.

To change the screen to the demonstrate the scenario, 1) open the modal navigation drawer and 2) select the Vision Examples. Note that to open the navigation drawer you need to press the hamburger menu button on the top left corner of the screen. The detail procedure to change the screen is shown in the following screenshots.

Android Device (Running the App): Open the modal navigation drawer

After changing the screen, you can see the Camera Preview and the real-time object classification result above the preview box as shown below.

Android example

Handling ML Computation Delegation Requests from the Android Components in the Other package

The MLAgent can handle the delegation requests from the other package. The following code should be added to the other package’s AndroidManifest.xml for package visibility.

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
        <package android:name="ai.nnstreamer.ml.inference.offloading" />
        <package android:name="ai.nnstreamer.ml.inference.offloading.MainService" />

We are providing a simple example application that demonstrates this scenario. This example sends an input prompt to the MLAgent and retrieves the generated output text using the llama2 model.

To receive auto-generated text by llama2 model, 1) enter the beginning of the sentence and 2) press the Run llama2 button.

Android example

If you want to build this example, you can follow the guide.