
Supported Features

  • Transformation the shape, data values (arithmetics or normalization), or data type of other/tensor stream.
  • If possible, the tensor_transform element exploits ORC: Optimized inner Loop Runtime Compiler to accelerate the supported operations.
  • Aggregate multiple operators into a single transform instance for performance optimization.
    • E.g., tensor_transform mode=typecast option=uint8 ! tensor_transform mode=arithmetic option=mul:4 ! tensor_transform mode=arithmetic option=add:25 can be optimized by tensor_transform mode=arithmetic option=typecast:uint8,mul:8,add:25

Planned Features

  • TBD


  • SINK

    • One always sink pad named 'sink'
    • other/tensor
  • SRC

    • One always source pad named 'src'
    • other/tensor


  • mode (readable, writable): Mode used for transforming tensor

    • Enum "gtt_mode_type" Default: -1, "unknown"
      • (0): dimchg

        • A mode for changing tensor dimensions

        • An option should be provided as option=FROM_DIM:TO_DIM (with a regex, ^([0-9]|1[0-5]):([0-9]|1[0-5])$, where NNS_TENSOR_RANK_LIMIT is 16).

        • Example: Move 1st dim to 2nd dim (i.e., [a][H][W][C] ==> [a][C][H][W])

          ... ! tensor_converter ! tensor_transform mode=dimchg option=0:2 ! ...
      • (1): typecast

        • A mode for casting data type of tensor

        • An option should be provided as option=TARGET_TYPE (with a regex, ^[u]?int(8|16|32|64)$|^float(32|64)$)

        • Example: Cast the data type of upstream tensor to uint8

          ... ! tensor_converter ! tensor_transform mode=typecast option=uint8 ! ...
      • (2): arithmetic

        • A mode for arithmetic operations with tensor

        • An option should be provided as option=[typecast:TYPE,][per-channel:(false|true@DIM),]add|mul|div:NUMBER[@CH_IDX]..., ...

        • Example 1: Element-wise add 25 and multiply 4

          ... ! tensor_converter ! tensor_transform mode=arithmetic option=add:25,mul:4 ! ...
        • Example 2: Cast the data type of upstream tensor to float32 and element-wise subtract 25

          ... ! tensor_converter ! tensor_transform mode=arithmetic option=typecast:float32,add:-25 ! ...
        • For "per-channel", DIM means the dimension which should be viewed as channel and CH_IDX means the idx of channel the given operation should be applied to. When CH_IDX is not given, the operation is applied to all channels.

        • Example 3: Add 255 only for 1-th channel when 0-th dim is channel (for RGB image, add 255 for G channel)

          ... ! video/x-raw,format=RGB ! tensor_converter ! tensor_transform mode=arithmetic option=per-channel:true@0,add:255@1 ! ...
      • (3): transpose

        • A mode for transposing shape of tensor

        • An option should be provided as D1':D2':D3':D4 (fixed to 3)

        • Example: 3:640:480:1 (NHWC) ==> 640:480:3:1 (NCHW)

          ... ! tensor_converter input-dim=3:640:480:1 ! tensor_transform mode=transpose option=1:2:0:3 ! ...
      • (4): stand

        • A mode for statistical standardization or normalization of tensor

        • An option should be provided as option=(default|dc-average)[:TYPE] where default for statistical standardization and dc-average to remove DC offset (average value). TYPE denotes output data type.

        • Example: Remove DC offset, output type to float32

          ... ! tensor_converter ! tensor_transform mode=stand option=dc-average:float32 ! ...
  • acceleration (readable, writable): A flat indicating whether to enable orc acceleration

Properties for debugging

  • silent: disable or enable debugging messages

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