
Supported features

With given properties from users or pipeline developers, support the following conversions. The list is not exclusive and we may need to implement more features later.

Mode Main property (input tensor semantics) Additional & mandatory property Output
directvideo other/tensors N/A video/x-raw
bounding_boxes Bounding boxes (other/tensor) File path to labels, decoding schemes, out dim, in dim video/x-raw
image_labeling Image label (other/tensor) File path to labels text/x-raw
image_segment segmentation info expected model video/x-raw
pose_estimation pose info out dim, in dim, File path to labels, mode video/x-raw
flatbuf other/tensors N/A flatbuffers
protobuf other/tensors N/A protocol buffers
flexbuf other/tensors N/A flexbuffers
... more features coming ...

Sink Pads

One always sink pad.

  • other/tensors (current)

Source Pads

One always source pad.

  • video/x-raw
  • text/x-raw
  • flatbuffers
  • protocol buffers
  • flexbuffers

Performance Characteristics



  • output-type: Integer denoting VIDEO, AUDIO, or TEXT.
    • Experimental: we need to update this. Current "output-type" is not satisfactory.

The following properties are suggested and planned.

  • (update) output-type: String denoting "bounding-boxes", "image-label", "bounding-boxes-with-label", ...
  • additional-file-1: String denoting the file path to the first data file for decoding; e.g., label list text file for image labeling.
  • additional-file-2: second data file if the corresponding output-type requires two or more.
  • additional-file-N: ... N'th data file if the corresponding output-type requires N or more.

Properties for debugging

  • silent: disable or enable debugging messages

Usage Examples

$ gst-launch somevideosrc_with_xraw ! tee name=t ! queue ! tensor_converter ! tensor_filter SOME_OPTION ! tensor_decoder output-type=image-label additional-file-1=/tmp/labels.txt ! txt. t. ! queue ! textoverlay name=txt ! autovideosink

Note: not tested. not sure if the syntax is correct with txt. t. !. Regard the above as pseudo code.

tensor stream to flatbuffers

$ gst-launch videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=RGB,width=640,height=480 ! tensor_converter ! tensor_decoder mode=flatbuf ! fakesink

tensor stream to protocol buffers

$ gst-launch videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=RGB,width=640,height=480 ! tensor_converter ! tensor_decoder mode=protobuf ! fakesink

tensor stream to flexbuffers

$ gst-launch videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=RGB,width=640,height=480 ! tensor_converter ! tensor_decoder mode=flexbuf ! fakesink

Custom decoder

If you want to convert tensors to any media type, You can use custom mode of the tensor decoder.

code mode

This is an example of a callback type custom mode.

// Define custom callback function
int tensor_decoder_custom_cb (const GstTensorMemory *input,
const GstTensorsConfig *config, void *data, GstBuffer *out_buf) {
  // Write a code to convert tensors to any media type.

// Register custom callback function
nnstreamer_decoder_custom_register ("tdec", tensor_decoder_custom_cb, NULL);
// Use the custom tensor decoder in a pipeline.
// E.g., Pipeline of " ... (tensors) ! tensor_decoder mode=custom-code option1=tdec ! (any media stream)... "
// After everything is done.
nnstreamer_decoder_custom_unregister ("tdec");

script mode

  • Note: Currently only Python is supported.
    • If you want to use FlatBuffers Python in Tizen, install package flatbuffers-python. It also includes a Flexbuffers Python.
    • If you want to use Flatbuffers Python in Ubuntu, install package using pip pip install flatbuffers. It also includes a Flexbuffers Python.

This is an example of a python script.

# @file custom_decoder_example.py
## @brief  User-defined custom decoder
class CustomDecoder(object):
## @brief  Python callback: getOutCaps
  def getOutCaps (self):
    # Write capability of the media type.
    return bytes('@CAPS_STRING@', 'UTF-8')

## @brief  Python callback: decode
  def decode (self, raw_data, in_info, rate_n, rate_d):
    # return decoded raw data as `bytes` type.
    return data

Example pipeline

... (tensors) ! tensor_decoder mode=python3 option1=custom_decoder_example.py ! (any media stream) ...

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