
Supported features

GstTensorAggregator is a plugin to aggregate the tensor using GstAdapter.

This plugin handles the buffer with the unit frame. Each incoming or outgoing buffer is supposed a single tensor, which may contain one or multi frames.

GstTensorAggregator gets the size of one frame with frames-in, aggregates the frames, and pushes a buffer with frames-out frames. After pushing an outgoing buffer, GstTensorAggregator flushes the frames-flush frames.

For example, GstTensorAggregator with the properties frames-in=3, frames-out=4, frames-flush=2

Incoming buffer
|  1st buffer  |  2nd buffer  |  3rd buffer  |  4th buffer  |
| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 
Outgoing buffer
|  1st out-buffer   |
 flushed  |  2nd out-buffer   |
            flushed |  3rd out-buffer   |
                      flushed |  4th out-buffer   |
                                flushed |  5th out-buffer   |

Please be informed that, to ensure the tensor configuration, you have to change the dimension if input and output frames are different. (See the property frames-dim.)


With larger frames-in values and smaller frames-out values, the output stream may have more frames than its input stream: dis-aggregation. For example, if a neural network model multiplies picture frames of a video stream, generating 120FPS from 30FPS video, aggregated in a single video (in tensor format) stream output, we can generate a 120FPS stream from a 30FPS (4 frames per buffer) stream. If the model generates 4 video (tensor format) streams with other/tensors, we may merge them first and apply aggregator for the same effect.

Sink Pads

One "Always" sink pad exists. The capability of sink pad is other/tensor.

Source Pads

One "Always" source pad exists. The capability of source pad is other/tensor. It does not support other/tensors because each frame (or a set of frames consisting a buffer) is supposed to be represented by a single tensor instance.


  • frames-in: The number of frames in incoming buffer. (Default 1)

    GstTensorAggregator itself cannot get the number of frames in buffer. This plugin calculates the size of one frame with this property.

  • frames-out: The number of frames in outgoing buffer. (Default 1)

    GstTensorAggregator calculates the size of outgoing frames and pushes a buffer to source pad.

  • frames-flush: The number of frames to flush. (Default 0)

    GstTensorAggregator flushes the bytes (frames-flush frames) in GstAdapter after pushing a buffer. If set 0 (default value), all outgoing frames will be flushed.

  • frames-dim: The dimension index of frames in tensor. (Default value is (NNS_TENSOR_RANK_LIMIT - 1))

    If frames-in and frames-out are different, GstTensorAggregator has to change the dimension of tensor. With this property, GstTensorAggregator changes the out-caps.

    If set this value in 0 ~ (NNS_TENSOR_RANK_LIMIT - 2) and concat is true, GstTensorAggregator will concatenate the output buffer.

  • concat: The flag to concatenate output buffer. (Default true)

    If concat is true and frames-out is larger than 1, GstTensorAggregator will concatenate the output buffer with the axis frames-dim.

Properties for debugging

  • silent: Enable/disable debugging messages.

Usage Examples

$ gst-launch videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,format=RGB,width=640,height=480 ! tensor_converter ! tensor_aggregator frames-out=10 frames-flush=5 frames-dim=3 ! tensor_sink

GstTensorAggregator receives a buffer with 1 frame (dimension 3:640:480:1), pushes a buffer with 10 frames (dimension 3:640:480:10), and flushes 5 frames after pushing a buffer.

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